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Ready to Make the Jump into Home Ownership: 5 Key Reasons to Buy a House Now and When It's Better to Rent

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

Jumping into buying a house

Think you're ready to make the move to home ownership? Tired of paying the man?  Today, we will dive into the wild world of homeownership and explore the five most compelling reasons to buy a house or a condo in these crazy times. And, because we believe in balance, we'll also throw in the top reason why renting might just be your cup of tea.

1. Building Equity (Or Playing Adult Monopoly) Think of building equity like leveling up in a video game, but for adults. Each mortgage payment is like passing 'Go' and collecting $200 in Monopoly, except it's your own house, not Boardwalk or Park Place. Sure, it's actually more squirreling away your money every month and it will take a few years before you start paying down your more of your principal (the actual money owed, not the interest) but you would be nuts not to right?

2. Stable Housing Costs (Say Goodbye to Rent Hikes) Locking in a fixed-rate mortgage is like freezing time, but just for your housing costs. No more surprises from your landlord announcing rent hikes. It's like having a rent control superpower, and who hasn’t dreamed of being a financial superhero?

3. Tax Benefits (Because Who Doesn't Love a Break from the Taxman?) Homeowners often get tax deductions, which is basically the government's way of giving you a high-five for buying a house. It's like finding money in your other pants, the ones with the pizza and beer stain from last weekend, but instead its every year during tax season.

4. Personalization and Control (Unleash Your Inner Interior Martha Stewart or Banksy For The Next Gen) Owning your home means you can paint your walls neon green or have a bathroom themed like the Lord of the Rings Hobbit den - your call. It's your personal canvas. Ever wanted a life-sized statue of Dwayne the Rock Johnson in your living room? Go for it. The Rock smells what your cooking and he likes it.

5. Long-Term Investment and Appreciation (Watching Your Money Grow) Investing in a house can be like planting a money tree in your backyard. Over time, with regular upkeep, it will grow, and you don't even need a green thumb! Think of it like buying a clean pair of classic or new Jordans. But, you actually can wear them or even let other people try them on and with a little continued work and care, they will go up in value.

But Wait, There's a Twist! Why Renting Might Just Be Your Jam Now, let’s not forget that renting can sometimes be the financially savvier move. If the cost of buying in your dream area is like dining at a 5-star restaurant every night (read: prohibitively expensive), renting might be more like grabbing a Chipotle burrito– quick, easy, and leaves you with more cash to play with. For example, you can rent a decent spot in the area you like for $2,000 a month but buying that same place would be more like $3,000 in mortgage, taxes, insurance etc then you might want to think twice about the buy. Make enough to pay that 3k but don't want the some of the headaches of homeownership like upkeep, maintenance or the 'how much did you say it would cost to fix that' feeling?

Channel your inner Warren Buffet and invest the 1k difference you save into something like an index fund, Bitcoin, Amazon stock(since you spend your money there anyways) or that pair of Jordan to put on shelf and potentially grow your wealth without the commitment of a mortgage.

In Conclusion: Whether you’re ready to dive into the housing market or are more comfortable in the rental pool, remember, the best decision is the one that keeps you safe and happy, all the way to your front door (or your landlord’s). Happy house (or apartment) hunting!

Cheers Little Buddy 🏡✨

Disclaimer: I am not an investment or savings advisor, always do your research. Talk with a legit professional invest advisor, banker or Mark Cuban before making any investment decisions!

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